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amazingandyyy opened this issue · 5 comments
Topics I planned to cover or I already cover:
- HelloWorld (code, medium)
- Testing (code, medium)
- Test Driven Development
- Deploy to rinkeby(testnet) with truffle
- Deploy to live network with truffle
- ICO basic
- ICO contract development
- Crowdsale with openzeppelin framework
- Verify your ICO contract
- Update your ICO and Token information on etherscan
- more please comment
Comment bellowing for new topics you want me to cover
Hey Amazing Andy! I am truly amazed by your last two posts about Ethereum, smart contracts and how to do a javascript test on it. This has been so far the most beginner-friendly tutorial in my opinion. Moving forward I would really love to see posts about how to deploy to live network with truffle, how to deploy with EtherWallet as well as How to ICO! Thanks! Looking forward to the goood juicy stuff eagerly!
@RockZou Thank you for your kinds words! You made my day!
Firstly, I am really glad that these write-ups help.
Secondly, just some personal update from myself, in the past few months, I dived much more into blockchain and Etheruem world and also learned so many more new stuff.
Sincerely hope to and love to share more in the future soon.
Hi Amazing Andy! Your tutorial is really a nice one. Looking forward to read more posts about how to deploy to testnet and live net, as well as some advanced topics, such as simple auction or ICO :)
DAI- ICOs with dividend payouts.
Another one could be voting mechanism for ICO coin holders.
Hey buddy, great tutorials! Reach out to me on LinkedIn, I may have some great opportunities lined up you might be interested in being part of.