
Property 'get' does not exist on type 'Credentials | CredentialsOptions'.

akashbiz opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, I am importing this library via npm and used Angular2 Cognito Quickstart for reference but I also need to use cognitosync library which get called immediately after login. Below is the code I am trying for which I am facing many issues

Property 'get' does not exist on type 'Credentials | CredentialsOptions'.
Property 'identityId' does not exist on type 'Credentials | CredentialsOptions'.
Property 'CognitoSyncManager' does not exist on type 'typeof ".../node_modules/aws-sdk/global"'.

` import {
} from "amazon-cognito-identity-js";
import * as AWS from "aws-sdk/global";
import * as STS from "aws-sdk/clients/sts";
import * as awsservice from "aws-sdk/lib/service";
import * as CognitoIdentity from "aws-sdk/clients/cognitoidentity";

buildCognitoCreds( idTokenJwt: string ) {
let url = 'cognito-idp.' + Environment.REGION.toLowerCase() + '' + Environment.USER_POOL_ID;
if ( Environment.COGNITO_IDP_ENDPOINT ) {
url = Environment.COGNITO_IDP_ENDPOINT + '/' + Environment.USER_POOL_ID;
let logins: CognitoIdentity.LoginsMap = {};
logins[url] = idTokenJwt;
let params = {
IdentityPoolId: Environment.IDENTITY_POOL_ID,
Logins: logins
let serviceConfigs: awsservice.ServiceConfigurationOptions = {};
serviceConfigs.endpoint = Environment.COGNITO_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT;
let creds = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials( params, serviceConfigs );
this.setCognitoCreds( creds );
return creds;

authenticate( username: string, password: string ): Promise {

let authenticationData = {
	Username: username,
	Password: password,
let authenticationDetails = new AuthenticationDetails( authenticationData );

let userData = {
	Username: username,
	Pool: this.getUserPool()
let cognitoUser = new CognitoUser( userData );
var self = this;
return new Promise(
	( resolve, reject ) => {
		cognitoUser.authenticateUser( authenticationDetails, {
			onSuccess: function( result ) {
				let creds = self.buildCognitoCreds( result.getIdToken().getJwtToken() );
				AWS.config.credentials = creds;
				let clientParams: any = {};
				if ( Environment.STS_ENDPOINT ) {
					clientParams.endpoint = Environment.STS_ENDPOINT;
				let sts = new STS( clientParams );
				sts.getCallerIdentity( function( err, data ) {
					console.log( "CognitoService: Successfully set the AWS credentials", data );
						.then( results => {
							console.log('user attributes==>', results);
							resolve( result );
						} )
						.catch( error => { } );
				} );

			onFailure: function( error ) {
				reject( error );
		} );
	} );


`import * as AWS from "aws-sdk/global";
import * as CognitoSync from "aws-sdk/clients/cognitosync";
import { CognitoSyncManager } from 'amazon-cognito-js';

initSync(): void {
this.cognitosync = new CognitoSync( { correctClockSkew: true } );
this.cognitoSyncManager = new AWS.CognitoSyncManager(); // 3rd issue

getAllDatasets(): Promise<DataSets> {
    return new Promise(
        ( resolve, reject ) => {
            let promise = AWS.config.credentials.getPromise(); // **1st issue**
            promise.then(() => {
                let identityID = AWS.config.credentials.identityId; // **2nd Issue**
                let params = {
                    IdentityId: identityID,
                    IdentityPoolId: Environment.IDENTITY_POOL_ID
                this.cognitosync.listDatasets( params, ( error, data ) => {
                    if ( error ) {
                        console.error( error );
                        reject( error );
                    else {
                        resolve( data );
                } );
            } ).catch( error => {
                console.error( error );
            } );
        } );

Please help.

Hi there, please forward the following:

  1. The entire error log
  2. Log the AWS.config object
  3. Log the AWS.config.credentials object

I followed this[] link to create cognitoSyncManager object
import * as AWS from "aws-sdk/global";
import * as CognitoSync from "aws-sdk/clients/cognitosync";
import { CognitoSyncManager } from 'amazon-cognito-js';

this.cognitoSyncManager = new AWS.CognitoSyncManager()

Error: Property 'CognitoSyncManager' does not exist on type 'typeof ".../node_modules/aws-sdk/global"'.

AWS.config object:
"credentials": {
"expired": true,
"expireTime": null,
"params": {
"IdentityPoolId": "IDENTITY_POOL_ID",
"Logins": {
"": "accessToken"
"data": null,
"_identityId": null,
"_clientConfig": {}
"credentialProvider": null,
"region": "us-east-1",
"logger": null,
"apiVersions": {},
"apiVersion": null,
"httpOptions": {
"timeout": 120000
"maxRedirects": 10,
"paramValidation": true,
"sslEnabled": true,
"s3ForcePathStyle": false,
"s3BucketEndpoint": false,
"s3DisableBodySigning": true,
"computeChecksums": true,
"convertResponseTypes": true,
"correctClockSkew": false,
"customUserAgent": null,
"dynamoDbCrc32": true,
"systemClockOffset": 0,
"signatureVersion": null,
"signatureCache": true,
"retryDelayOptions": {},
"useAccelerateEndpoint": false

AWS.config.credentials object:
"expired": true,
"expireTime": null,
"params": {
"IdentityPoolId": "IDENTITY_POOL_ID",
"Logins": {
"": "idToken"
"data": null,
"_identityId": null,
"_clientConfig": {}

Also, when I am trying to copy identityId from credentials object in following way
let identityID = AWS.config.credentials.identityId;
and encounter an issue saying
Property 'identityId' does not exist on type 'Credentials | CredentialsOptions'.
Property 'identityId' does not exist on type 'Credentials'.

I've run into the same issue.
The problem is that identityId, get and other are part of CognitoIdentityCredentials and not Credentials | CredentialsOptions as typescript compiler thinks.
I was able to fix this by simply casting my object to the correct type:

This worked for me.


Thanks @wmagda, will try this solution.

Thanks @wmagda works fine your solution. For someone that has problems with the function AWS.config.credentials.get(function(err, data) I solved with the function AWS.config.getCredentials(function(err) that is documented here.

HI All,
I am really stuck here, can some one help me .i don't know am i casting it correctly
i just casted my object like below but still throwing me error which i mentioned below my code

let params = {
IdentityPoolId: CognitoUtil._IDENTITY_POOL_ID, /* required */
Logins: {
'': token
AWS.config.credentials = <AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials> new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials(params);
AWS.config.credentials.refresh((error) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('Successfully logged!');
ERROR : Property 'refresh' does not exist on type 'Credentials | CredentialsOptions'.

I fixed this by
(<AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials> AWS.config.credentials).get((error) => {
i am getting error as null now ,but i dont know how to processd further , for userpool credentials i am calling this.userService.isAuthenticated() to know user authenticated or not .. now how can i know is user authenticated or not ,,as above function still throwing error