
Stack#resource broken

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I can't fetch a stack subresource by using Stack#resource(logical_id) in aws-sdk 2.0.22. Although I pass the logical ID of the resource, it still says it's missing:

resource = stack.resource('PublicAlphaSubnet')
ArgumentError: missing required option :logical_id

How to reproduce

Get the stack resource:

stack = cf.stack 'sandbox-vpc'
=> #<Aws::CloudFormation::Stack name="sandbox-vpc">

Get the resource of a known logical ID:

resource = stack.resource('PublicAlphaSubnet')
ArgumentError: missing required option :logical_id
from /Users/rob/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.0/gems/aws-sdk-resources-2.0.22/lib/aws-sdk-resources/resource.rb:78:in `block in extract_identifiers'

Thanks for reporting this issue. The fix should go out tomorrow.
