
"MultiXml::ParseError: Content is not allowed in prolog" for describe_instances

Closed this issue · 2 comments

We get this error every now and then when invoking Aws::EC2 describe_instances.

This is one of those "it only happens in prod at scale" errors. I enabled http_wire_trace however it sends our server load to over 20, so I couldn't run it long enough to get any data for when the error occurred.

Wondering if there are any other simple debug steps to take. It happens for random aws accounts, and different regions, and any time of day. I didn't notice any obvious pattern...

I'm trying to create an example where MultiXml.parse raises this error. Do you know what xml parser you are using? You can determine this like so:

puts MultiXml.parser

Also, if you rescue this exception, does it give any context, perhaps the XML it failed to parse?

Haven't seen this in over a month. Going to close it,