
"Bookings" failed on showing booked resource list-Run in a web browser

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Following developer guide to run the app in web browser through "ionic serve" command.

My environment settings: windows 10, node v6.11.3, npm version 3.10.10, gulp CLI version 1.4.0, ionic CLI 3.9.2, Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

After signing in as user1 , selecting a few resources as booked, clicking "Bookings" link in browser, the result was not displayed on panel, though the booking HTTP Get call got the json string of booked resource list for user1

chrome debug console

booking header

booking response

The disappeared booked resources are those ones whose available time in the past. For some reasons, if user1's current time is 8 am, all resources prior to 8 am got shown as candidates to be booked, That is minor issue for this demo