
Chart does not appear to be hosted in incubator repository

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It does not appear that the aws-service-operator helm chart is actually hosted in the incubator chart repository as the docs suggest.

I've run the following:

helm repo delete incubator
helm repo add incubator
helm repo update

Which results in:

helm search aws-service-operator
No results found

I've also manually checked the contents of the repository at

I'm happy to pull down the chart from the repo, but I thought I'd point this out in case it was an oversight.

This was done on purpose, we're still tryig to solidify a few things before we publish the charts to a non-owned org to keep updating easier.

Likely what will actually happen is there will be a new helm repo on a aws service operator domain, which you'll add and use. For now the best practices are to clone the project and use the chart from a local path.

Ran into this today. Is it expected that it'll be in a chart repo soon @christopherhein ? If not I'm happy to submit a PR to update the docs to prevent confusion in the interim.

Given the alpha nature I want to keep this out of the incubator for now, once we have a beta version we can consider that.