The EC2 Scheduler uses a recurring Lambda function to automatically start and stop EC2 instances based on either default schedule or custom schedule defined per EC2 instance. - Now found at
- amuiPortland, OR
- anupamm
- camiloheOttawa,ON,CA
- cgulliverAWS
- cuttenweiler
- ferrangrau
- fitchtravisAustralia
- groverlalitAWS
- gsingh04
- hvital
- indybeckBoston, MA
- isubastiVericus pty ltd
- ivinnikov
- jhcloos
- jmetznerMunich/Germany
- jpbarto
- kirklatslalomSlalom
- lflealSC
- matthewchess
- mattmccleanAmazon Web Services
- milbrya
- Nano803
- olivierkleinAmazon Web Services
- pcanhamCambridgeshire
- petertilsen@AWS
- prplbxPurpleBox, Inc.
- reggiezhang
- rommelcarjPortugal, Viseu
- sarasfox
- shseniorAmazon Web Service
- silversmurferHerts, UK
- Slacker969
- squish102
- stevemorad
- thiagomz
- thomasphortonOwasco Lake, NY