
Bit more detail on event.queryStringParameters.key

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This looks very helpful.

Is there any chance you could expand a bit on this, at line 13, for a beginner:

const key = event.queryStringParameters.key;

From the following regex in line 14, it looks like queryStringParameters.key gets everything after the initial protocol and host, so for:


queryStringParameters.key will return 300x300/image.png. Is this right? It looks more like a path than a key/value pair to me.

I would have thought that a key in a url would come after a ?, so for something like


event.queryStringParameters.key would return 1 key, filename, relating to one value, myfile.

Is there some default position I'm not aware of?

I'm trying to get some clarity so that I can structure my incoming urls in a way that can be easily and repeatably parsed whilst also leaving some flexibility for adding functionality later.

