
Optimize CPU usage - rotate image only if there is a standing up pose in the frame buffer

ivelin opened this issue · 2 comments

Looking at the ambianic edge logs in a real world usage, there is a constant stream of attempts to detect a pose in the original image and +/-90' rotations. This happens because most of the time there is no person in the camera view at all.

This is a suboptimal 3x use of CPU. Normally a single posenet pass on Raspberry Pi takes about 300ms (3fps). However after 2 rotations the total inference time goes up to 1-1.2sec (0.8-1fps). See log excerpt below:

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:45 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1015.96 ms, 0.98 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:46 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1094.21 ms, 0.91 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:47 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1069.70 ms, 0.93 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:48 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1163.64 ms, 0.86 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:49 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1024.56 ms, 0.97 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:50 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1090.12 ms, 0.92 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:51 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1089.76 ms, 0.92 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:52 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1223.01 ms, 0.82 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:54 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1116.52 ms, 0.89 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:55 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1173.54 ms, 0.85 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:56 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1366.06 ms, 0.73 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:57 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1145.92 ms, 0.87 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:58 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1139.79 ms, 0.87 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:17:59 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1051.62 ms, 0.95 fps in pipeline area_watch

ambianic-edge    | 2021-02-04 01:18:01 INFO /opt/ambianic-edge/src/ambianic/pipeline/ai/ FallDetector inference time 1107.74 ms, 0.90 fps in pipeline area_watch

Thinking through this a bit, it seems like it only makes sense to try rotations if there is a buffered image frame with a standing pose.

The rotations are essentially there to look for people on the ground. It's a workaround to overcome the posenet+mobilnetv1 weakness in detecting non-vertical human poses.

However detecting a horizontal pose is only helpful if there is a previously saved vertical pose to compare it to.

Therefore I suggest implementing the following optimization that should bring the CPU usage down significantly.

# use to determine if there is a standing pose in a given frame
def standing_pose(sping_vector):
   return true if abs(angle_betwen(vertical_axis, spine_vector)) <= 90-fall_threshold_angle

# in the find_keypoints function replace the rotation pre-condition

if pose_score < min_score:
  standing_pose_in_buffer = filter (lambda prev_frame: prev_frame.is_standing_pose, prev_frames)
  if standing_pose_in_buffer: 
    while pose_score < min_score and rotations:

This would drop CPU usage significantly (almost 60%), because rotations will be only attempted if there is a person detected in front of the camera and shortly after it is not detected which means that they are either not standing up or they are not visible.


@bhavikapanara please take a look and share your comments on this optimization idea.