
add images/gif to readme

Opened this issue · 5 comments

readme is a little bland..i think there is some package you can show gif-like usage. that or just some images would be nice.

Hello, I am looking for project to involve with. Can I contribute this task?

Is anyone working on this? It's my first time contributing and wouldn't mind taking this on if its still open

Is anyone working on this? It's my first time contributing and I think I can work with someone too if this still open.

can I take this one?

Here is Solution for it

First, make sure the image file is in your GitHub repository. If it's not there, you can upload it by going to your repository on GitHub and clicking the "Add file" button, then selecting "Upload files."

Once the image is in your repository, you can reference it in your README using the following Markdown syntax

Alt Text

GitHub Logo
If the image is hosted on the web, you can use an absolute URL:

GitHub Logo
Save the changes to your README file.