
Research audio players

amcquade opened this issue ยท 7 comments

User should be able to play episodes from the feed listed on the feed. Suggestions can go below

It may be simple, but the <audio /> tag can be used for this.

@danielgrijalva was looking at react-player the other day, havent had the time to play around with it.

@amcquade that looks way better! I can try to implement it if you want. Do you have any mock ups/design ideas on how to display the player?

@danielgrijalva not really, although lately ive been thinking that the soundcloud player is something wed like to try to emulate. a player containing a list of episodes instead of creating players/elements for each episode

I see... like this?
That's much more user friendly ๐Ÿ‘Œ I'll see what I can do.

Hey @amcquade, sorry for the delay. Here's my progress so far:
Peek 2019-05-06 11-21

What do you think? The actual player is from react-player and I'm looking to change its CSS to make it look like this:

Let me know your thoughts! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

@danielgrijalva no worries, looks great ! my only suggestion being some kind of wrapping the list in some sort of container that enables scrolling for the list and not the whole page