
[BUG] Outdated-snapshot-reporter fails with custom snapshot ids

LauriNieminen opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug

Outdated-snapshot-reporter assumes that all snapshot files end with -snap.png. Files that end differently are not reported nor removed when obsolete.

Provide step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the bug

Use a customSnapshotIdentifier that does not end with -snap.png with outdated-snapshot-reporter enabled.
Existing snapshot files will be ignored by the reporter.

    customSnapshotIdentifier: customFilename,
reporters: [
    ['jest-junit', { outputDirectory: './build/test-reports/jest' }],

Expected behavior

Outdated-snapshot-reporter does not make assumptions about snapshot identifiers or exposes the suffix as a configurable parameter. Bare minimum would be to document the assumption extremely clearly.

System information

  • Version of jest-image-snapshot: 6.1.0
  • Node version: 18.14.2