
Learn node.js and express.js

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ameru commented
Learn node.js and express.js

List of back-end functions to implement:
-GET, POST, PUT, and DEL requests by users.
-API implementation of information/data that we require to make this app function. (ex. Cal Poly menu)
-Database to store users' information (personal info, favorites, etc), transaction history, and other things
that require storage.
-Store Yelp-like reviews in database; learn how to store images and comments.
-Real Time order status -- queue # (your place in "line" online) xD

How will we achieve this?:
-Node.js is the environment that we program in and Express.js is the framework that will handle all the
-Learn how to implement the APIs, and how to use the data that the specific API offers. (ex. implement a
user's get request with a response that sends the API data required).
-(Sullivan exclusive) Learn how to connect the database with the rest of the app and how to receive and
send information to be stored or acquired from the database.
-Learn how to store reviews and then realtime update and upload them onto the app.
-Realtime order status might be a little tricky, will require someone to realtime update the queue by
putting orders being made to the "in-process" queue and deleting it from the "ordered" queue. Then
once the "in-process" is complete move it to the "ready" queue. All of this with a clock or timer of some
sort maybe.

ameru commented

@SullivanXiong good stuff, but move this content and create a new file under the code tab