
Add a Date/Time indicator

sunreef opened this issue · 4 comments

Add a timer at the top of the screen that shows the current Date/Time. This requires defining a scaling from real time to in-game days.

I would like to work on this. What sort of scaling should we use? Some details would be nice

The scaling can be pretty much anything. You could decide that one second in real-time is one minute in-game.

I would add a DaytimeScalingFactor (or some other name) resource to the game that controls this. This way, we can always change it later.

I understand that simple linear scaling is sufficient than.

Hi orhanbalci. I want to let you know that I am working on switching background music based on day-night cycle events (#76). For now, I'm just using hotkeys to proxy the events, but eventually I'll expect the date-time system to produce them. That integration can occur after we've both got our stuff committed.