
Watered is an app that helps you monitor household taps and also detects water leakages. It also helps you provide details of nearby plumbers. The app also aims at saving water and all resources that we, human beings are excessively mining out of our planet Earth.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Monitor all your taps, geysers and sink for water usage and to detect any sorts of leakage. Find the nearest plumber and availabilty to make an appointment to check over your leakages. Also, support water and wildlife.

Codemagic build status License

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.


  1. New Bill Section added.
  2. Donation implemented within app itself.

Bug Fixes

  1. Bottom Navigation Bar switching error fixed.
  2. Share function is now functioning, instead of opening link.
  3. Theme Data function resolved. Phone theme forcing app into dark mode via Scaffold now fixed.


Install Flutter and run

flutter doctor

Make sure the requirements specified above are satisfied.

Navigate to project directory and run

flutter clean

This is to remove previous build and also to restore the app as per Flutter update.

Open the project in Android Studio or VSCode and make sure you have Flutter pre-requisites needed for running the app, including the Dart and Flutter extension and manually run the files. For iOS devices, open the project in XCode and navigate to iOS files and open up Runner.xcproj and set up team and signing on XCode and run the program.

Certain issues might arise while running the app on macOS and XCode, hence first follow the clean command on project directory and then run

pod install

then run

flutter build ios

After the commands are run, run the Runner on XCode.


v0.1 New Update