
To discuss:

gerkovink opened this issue · 1 comments

  • Q: The package by Su et al (2011), 'mi', does include a convergence statistic: "If the $\hat{R}$ statistic is smaller than 1.1, (i.e., the difference of the within and between variance is trivial), the imputation is considered converged (Gelman, Carlin, Stern, and Rubin 2004)". As far as I know this is just the G-R stat. Does this mean we could just implement it as well? I thought it did not apply directly to MI data?

A: i don't know how to start from an overdisp dataset, so between is very high and then you try to ... if there is conv you'll find GR near 1, but that's no guarantee (see new papers on R hat on mcmc models). If you use GR to assess conv. you'll end up with 30-50 it. but that might be superfluous. --> too little im

  • Q: Should I aim for publication in The R Journal, or Journal of Statistical Software? (I checked, shinystan does not have an official, published, peer-reviewed publication at all).

A: The latter one, because it's more scientific, R is more news-is

closing as the Q's are already answered.