[Perf] In my opinion, the template in the toolbar should not be forced to be displayed.
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faydanube commented
public function getToolbar(): string
$toolbar = 'undo redo removeformat | styles | bold italic | rtl ltr | alignjustify alignright aligncenter alignleft | numlist bullist outdent indent accordion | forecolor backcolor | blockquote table toc hr | image link anchor media codesample emoticons | visualblocks print preview wordcount fullscreen help';
if ($this->isSimple()) {
$toolbar = 'removeformat | bold italic | rtl ltr | link emoticons';
if (config('filament-tinyeditor.profiles.' . $this->profile . '.toolbar')) {
$toolbar = config('filament-tinyeditor.profiles.' . $this->profile . '.toolbar');
// if (! Str::contains($this->templates, 'template')) {
// $toolbar .= ' template';
// }
return $toolbar;