Html view code missing
Closed this issue · 8 comments
Dinesh-loma commented
Please add button to view html source code.
ntsbstn commented
Go to config/filament-tinyeditor.php then add "code" in any profile you are using for your application.
'profiles' => [
'default' => [
'plugins' => '...',
'toolbar' => '... code ...',
'upload_directory' => null,
Dinesh-loma commented
@ntsbstn check the video link.
Like that feature needed in tinyeditor.
"code" you suggest is for adding code block, "code" print the html tag.
ntsbstn commented
Did you also add "code" in "plugins" ?
'profiles' => [
'default' => [
'plugins' => '... code ...'',
'toolbar' => '... code ...',
'upload_directory' => null,
Dinesh-loma commented
Yes, I did also that. That thing is not working.
amidesfahani commented
Please share you config file
Dinesh-loma commented
return [
'provider' => 'cloud', // cloud|vendor
// 'direction' => 'rtl',
* change darkMode: 'auto'|'force'|'class'|'media'|false|'custom'
'darkMode' => 'auto',
/** cutsom */
'skins' => [
// oxide, oxide-dark, tinymce-5, tinymce-5-dark
'ui' => 'oxide',
// dark, default, document, tinymce-5, tinymce-5-dark, writer
'content' => 'default'
'profiles' => [
'default' => [
'plugins' => 'accordion autoresize codesample directionality advlist link image lists preview pagebreak searchreplace wordcount code fullscreen insertdatetime media table emoticons code',
'toolbar' => 'undo redo removeformat | styles |code|bold italic | rtl ltr | alignjustify alignleft aligncenter alignright | numlist bullist outdent indent | forecolor backcolor | blockquote table toc hr | image link media codesample emoticons | wordcount fullscreen',
'upload_directory' => null,
'simple' => [
'plugins' => 'autoresize directionality emoticons link wordcount',
'toolbar' => 'removeformat | bold italic | rtl ltr | numlist bullist | link emoticons',
'upload_directory' => null,
'minimal' => [
'plugins' => 'link wordcount',
'toolbar' => 'bold italic link numlist bullist',
'upload_directory' => null,
'full' => [
'plugins' => 'accordion autoresize codesample directionality advlist autolink link image lists charmap preview anchor pagebreak searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen insertdatetime media table emoticons template help',
'toolbar' => 'undo redo removeformat | styles | bold italic | rtl ltr | alignjustify alignright aligncenter alignleft | numlist bullist outdent indent accordion | forecolor backcolor | blockquote table toc hr | image link anchor media codesample emoticons | visualblocks print preview wordcount fullscreen help',
'upload_directory' => null,
* this option will load optional language file based on you app locale
* example:
* languages => [
* 'fa' => '',
* 'es' => '',
* 'ja' => asset('assets/ja.min.js')
* ]
'languages' => [],
amidesfahani commented
@Dinesh-loma html source editor is a paid plugin
please read this article:
Dinesh-loma commented