
The probability distributions remain uniform

gowthamnatarajan opened this issue · 6 comments

The probability distributions for variable without a parent remains a uniform distribution. It does not learn the marginal probability from the data.


could you provide more details, please?

I looked deeper into the model and found that ALL probabilities (marginal and conditional) is uniform. That is its all 0.5 if it has 2 states or all are 0.333 if it has 3 states and so on at Time 0 only.
The probabilities at Time T all probabilities are correct. Weird!! Why is that??

Should I create a dynamicDag separately for Time 0 and Time T?

How is the training data you are using? is it composed of a single sequence with many time steps?

Could you please share the piece of code you are running? Just to know which learning algorithm you are using and how you use it.

I found the issue. The TIME_ID for every sequence was starting at 1 and not 0.
In the example data-sets too it was starting at 1. Can some new examples be added which start at 0?