
Tracks the download progress of a request made with mikeal/request

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


addition some context parameters and support ts

Tracks the download progress of a request made with request, giving insight of various metrics including progress percentage, download speed and time remaining.


$ npm install request-progress-ex


var fs = require('fs');
var request = require('request');
var progress = require('request-progress-ex');

// The options argument is optional so you can omit it
progress(request('https://az412801.vo.msecnd.net/vhd/VMBuild_20141027/VirtualBox/IE11/Windows/IE11.Win8.1.For.Windows.VirtualBox.zip'), {
    // throttle: 2000,                    // Throttle the progress event to 2000ms, defaults to 1000ms
    // delay: 1000,                       // Only start to emit after 1000ms delay, defaults to 0ms
    // lengthHeader: 'x-transfer-length'  // Length header to use, defaults to content-length,
    // bRetainData : true                 // Whether retain Data on the progress event of previous revice data, defaults is false
.on('response', function()
.on('progress', function (state) {
    // The state is an object that looks like this:
    // {
    //     percent: 0.5,               // Overall percent (between 0 to 1)
    //     speed: 554732,              // The download speed in bytes/sec
    //     size: {
    //         total: 90044871,        // The total payload size in bytes
    //         transferred: 27610959   // The transferred payload size in bytes
    //         previousTransfer: 654732// The previousTransfer record receive data size  while previous 'progress' event in bytes
    //     },
    //     time: {
    //         elapsed: 36.235,        // The total elapsed seconds since the start (3 decimals)
    //         remaining: 81.403       // The remaining seconds to finish (3 decimals)
    //     },
    //     data: []                    // the data retain Data while previous 'progress' event  if bRetainData is true
    // }
    console.log('progress', state);
.on('error', function (err) {
    // Do something with err
.on('end', function () {
    // Do something after request finishes
.on('complete', function ()
    //Do something after request complete
    //do something after io stream finishes

If the request's response does not include the content-length header, the values of some metrics will be null. Also speed and time.remaining will be null until it can be calculated.

The state object emitted in the progress event is reused to avoid creating a new object for each event.
If you wish to peek the state object at any time, it is available in request.progressState.


$ npm test
$ npm test-cov to get coverage report


Released under the MIT License.