
Pic2Story is an NLP tool for automatic story generation inspired by the inputted images.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

General idea behind the Pic2Story

Pic2Story is the idea of an NLP tool which, given a set of images, provides the user with generated text - a type of story inspired by the inputted pictures.

The emphasis is put on the latter part of the project; therefore, the image object recognition aspect is not to be considered the core of the application (YOLO has been utilized).

The main points of interest are:

  • creating an English story-based corpus,
  • developing a tool for automatic text generation,
  • utilizing the text-generation tool based on the corpus, alongside the annotated images with the detected object.

To be considered in further stages:

  • custom object detection,
  • deployment of the app as a web application to allow accessability for the online users.

Install Pic2Story

Download the source code from github:

git clone https://github.com/amillert/pic2story.git


In order to properly run all the commands one must ensure that the current directory is pic2story/:

cd pic2story/

Install YOLO

The script installs YOLO and downloads required weights for the model


Download Textual Books

The dataset comes from the Project Gutenberg's website. In order to download the data and unzip recursively located *.txt files, one should run the follwoing command:


The following script will first download the data, then run unzipping python script.

Create and Activate Conda Virtual Environment

conda env create -f pic2story.yml; conda activate pic2story

Script's Help

In order to find out about the arguements required to successfully run the scrip, one should run:

./scr/main.py -h

Run Pic2Story

In order to run the whole application with sample parameters, one should run:
