
Binary Habits

amilner42 opened this issue · 1 comments

The original plan was to avoid this, and have binary habits just be something that you either do 0 or 1 times, but the problem is it ends up being kinda ugly, for example, what would you write for the "units" if you wanted to eat healthy.

Additionally, I think we may graph binary habits differently, because they're always 0 or 1 so we may want different graphs for them (?).

Thoughts @alythobani?

It wouldn't be too ugly to implement if we made it so that binary habits don't have units. As soon as you indicate a habit is a binary habit while adding it, you no longer have to enter units for the habit (for clarity we could even just have the whole "add habit" form change, i.e. have the unit fields disappear from the view). Inputting success or failure for the binary habit would be as simple as clicking a checkmark or X.

Not sure about a better way to graph them, but a simple line graph would definitely work. For comparing habits with different units on the same graph, we could maybe use each habit's goal as a benchmark for the habit's scale on the graph (since the y-axis of the graph couldn't have a single unit anyway, and we wouldn't want, say, a binary habit to be a tiny line at the bottom of the graph going between 0 and 1 compared to your meditation habit that goes up to 60 minutes on the y-axis because that would be hard to see). The visual range for any habit on the graph could go up to max(habit goal, highest data point for the habit) if that makes sense. For binary habits the goal would automatically be 1 for success, so the habit's line would always reach the top of the graph assuming at least one success data point is graphed.