Cannot open admin panel
Closed this issue · 4 comments
mmzeynalli commented
So, I am using fastapi-storages and sqladmin together. I was able to create model with field, but when I open admin panel I get the error: sqladmin.exceptions.NoConverterFound: Could not find field converter for column image (<class 'fastapi_storages.integrations.sqlalchemy.FileType'>)
Here is my code:
class Image(Base):
__tablename__ = "core_image"
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
contenttype_id = Column(ForeignKey("", ondelete="CASCADE"))
object_id = Column(Integer)
contenttype = relationship("ContentType")
image = Column(FileType(storage=FileSystemStorage(path="src/media")))
class ImageAdmin(ModelView, model=Image):
column_list = [Image.contenttype, Image.object_id, Image.image]
I get the error in DETAILED view, LIST view is loading just fine.
P. S. Folder media exists.
aminalaee commented
Can you post what versions are you using?
I assume they are not the latest
mmzeynalli commented
sqladmin = "^0.12.0"
fastapi-storages = "^0.1.0"
fastapi = = "^0.97.0"
Windows10, Python 3.10
aminalaee commented
Yeah I think you should upgrade to sqladmin 0.13.0 for this.
mmzeynalli commented
Yep that solved it. THanks!