
The content of my personal website. Notes on data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Hugo + Bootstrap V4 + Flask + Heroku

Content for my website which includes the theme, templates, and how-to.

1. Setup Hugo and Create Static Content for the Website

  1. install hugo

    $ snap install hugo --channel=extended
  2. check installation

    $ hugo version
    Hugo Static Site Generator v0.52/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2018-11-28T18:27:35Z
  3. clone this repo

    $ git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/amintahmasbi/personal_website.git
    1. or create a new site:
    $ hugo new site personal_website
    $ cd personal_website
    $ git init
    1. Add and modify README.md and .gitignore

    2. Make the first commit

    3. Add a theme

    $ git submodule add https://github.com/cboettig/hugo-now-ui themes/hugo-now-ui
    $ echo 'theme = "hugo-now-ui"' >> config.toml
  4. Develop before deploy. Hugo does not remove generated files before building.

  5. Start a server that builds draft content to check and modify the content with e.g., a dev/ directory:

$ hugo server -D -d dev
  1. Run hugo to deploy to the public folder (or any personalized publishDir in config.toml file)

2. Setup Flask and Create Dynamic Content of the Website

Note: You can skip this section if you do not have any dynamic content to add.

  1. FLask
  2. Flask run
  3. Flask

3. Setup Heroku and deploy the website

  1. Install the heroku command line tools and login:
(venv) $ sudo snap install --classic heroku
(venv) $ heroku login
  1. Clone an existing app

    (venv) $ heroku git:clone --recurse-submodules -a (my-unique-app-name)
    1. Or create a new heroku app: (name is optional)
    (venv) $ heroku create (my-unique-app-name)
  2. Find and add the hugo buildpack:

    $ heroku buildpacks:search hugo
    $ heroku buildpacks:add roperzh/hugo
    $ heroku config:set HUGO_VERSION=0.52
  3. Commit the changes

  4. Finally, deploy!

    $ git push heroku master
    $ heroku open


License: MIT

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details