
create generic import script that handles the shape of the system data from csv files

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  • Generic module that handles the parsing and gets the data
  • driver scripts
  • these driver scripts are the following
  • one takes a whole directory of sheets and imports them
  • one that takes a single sheet and imports it

Sheets has 2 types:

  • Captains sheet has only 1 sheet
  • Scouts sheets has many sheets

Captains sheets requirements:

  • First you will parse the captains sheet for sectors finding the unique names of sectors - split them into sectorBaseName and sectorSuffixName if a sector has only 1 work make the suffix name "أ"
  • parsing the captains is as a follows if a captain didn't provide a phone number ignore his row
  • if the number starts with a 2 or +2 remove it
  • insert all the captains with the rest of the data insuring that they are linked right with there sectors
  • There exist a hidden requirements here that you need to search for a solution for how would you assign the created sectors with unitcaptainids I tried to help you by putting after each unit captains the units the belong to his unit

Regarding parsing the scouts data:

  • Make the name unique if the name is not unique add the id as a suffix for now
  • Remove +2 or 2 from phone number
  • Parse the dates in different formats
  • if a scout does not have a enrollDate make it now

in progress