
generate errors

kaiyu-tang opened this issue · 4 comments

HI, I use the default setting for curriculum_training, than use
--GENERATOR_MODEL=Generator_RNN_CL_VL_TH --DISCRIMINATOR_MODEL=Discriminator_RNN --ckpt_path=F:\NLP\rnn-wgan\logs\Generator_RNN_CL_VL_TH-Discriminator_RNN-50-10-512-512-1510731157.353556-\checkpoint
for generate script parameters. While error happens in
File "F:\NLP\rnn-wgan\", line 52, in Generator_RNN_CL_VL_TH
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
Could you plz give me some suggestions?

Are you using Tensorflow-gpu version 1.1?
We know this code works on 1.1, on later versions it might not work.

I got the same error and I am using tf1.1, do you know what happened there?

Maybe the ckpt_path is incorrect?

Make sure your ckpt_path looks like:
(and not like the one you used.)

See the updated README for more details. The previous README may have been misleading.