
How to use mytop on Windows 11, if you're working with Local by Flywheel (a local WordPress development environment)

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To use mytop on Windows 11, especially if you're working with Local by Flywheel (a local WordPress development environment), follow these steps:

1. Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

WSL allows you to run a Linux distribution on Windows, which makes it easier to use Linux-based tools like mytop.

  1. Enable WSL: Open PowerShell as Administrator and run:

    wsl --install

    This command installs WSL and Ubuntu as the default Linux distribution. You can specify a different distribution if you prefer.

  2. Restart your computer if prompted.

  3. Install Ubuntu

    wsl --install -d Ubuntu
  4. Open Ubuntu (or your chosen Linux distribution)

2. Install mytop in WSL

Once your Linux distribution is set up:

  1. Update your package list:

    sudo apt-get update
    // OR //
    sudo apt list --upgradable
    sudo apt upgrade
  2. Install mytop:

    sudo apt-get install mytop
    // OR //
    sudo apt install mytop

3. Connect to Local by Flywheel MySQL Database

Local by Flywheel typically runs MySQL on a specific port on your localhost. You need to configure mytop to connect to this database.

  1. Find the MySQL credentials:

    • Open Local by Flywheel.
    • Click on the site you're working on.
    • Go to the "Database" tab. You will find the credentials (username, password, host, port).
  2. Run mytop with the connection details:

    mytop -u root -p -h -P <port> -d <database_name>

    Replace <port> with the port number Local uses for MySQL, and <database_name> with the name of your database.

    For example, if the port is 3306 and the database name is wordpress:

    mytop -u root -p -h -P 3306 -d wordpress

    After running the command, it will ask you for the MySQL root password (which you can find in Local's Database tab).

4. Use mytop

Once connected, mytop will display a real-time view of the queries running on your MySQL database. You can monitor slow queries, watch for locks, and get a sense of the overall activity.

5. Optional: Create a Configuration File

You can simplify the connection process by creating a .mytop configuration file in your home directory:

nano ~/.mytop

Add the following content (adjust with your credentials):


Now, you can simply run mytop without additional parameters.

By following these steps, you should be able to monitor live MySQL queries on your local environment using mytop in a WSL environment on Windows 11.