
Web App Demonstrating User Registration and Login

Primary LanguagePython

A sample web app in Python/Flask/Mysql


By Default this application takes the user to a welcome page from where user has option to navigate to login or register page. After registration, user will be redirected to Login page. After user is logged in, he will be redirected to home page ( a sample page suggesting the same). This home page will be available only to users who are logged in and has a button for logging out. If a user who is not registered tries to access home page, he will be redirected to login page.

Purpose: To demonstrate how user details collected through a form can be used to hit Restful endpoints.

Hosted on Pythonanywhere : Here is a link to this app.

Curl commands format to see the working of APIs:

*Curl for signup API: curl -X POST http://amitpp.pythonanywhere.com/register -d '{"username":"user123", "password":"pass123","name":"User","email":"user@gmail.com"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

*Curl for login api: curl -X POST http://amitpp.pythonanywhere.com/login -d '{"username":"user123", "password":"pass123"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'