A Makefile/TCL hybrid
Firmware build system
An Introduction to Ruckus Presentation
is a simple Microblaze implementation (BRAM cache).
Example: https://github.com/slaclab/surf/tree/main/xilinx/general/microblaze/bd
User defined TCL scripts are located in the target's vivado directory. These user defined TCL scripts are not required expect for when the make target is "prom". Then the promgen.tcl must be defined and exist.
Here's a full list of user defined TCL scripts:
User Filename | source .TCL location |
project_setup.tcl | vivado/project.tcl |
properties.tcl | vivado/properties.tcl |
messages.tcl | vivado/messages.tcl |
sources.tcl | vivado/sources.tcl |
pre_synthesis.tcl | vivado/pre_synthesis.tcl |
pre_synth_run.tcl | vivado/pre_synth_run.tcl |
post_synth_run.tcl | vivado/post_synth_run.tcl |
post_synthesis.tcl | vivado/post_synthesis.tcl |
post_route.tcl | vivado/post_route.tcl |
promgen.tcl | system_vivado.mk |