
iOS 11 newly introduced FileProvider framework conflict

amosavian opened this issue · 3 comments

In iOS 11 / Xcode 9.0, Apple introduced a new framework with previously existing classes as FileProvider which may cause name conflict.

To address this issue, since version 0.18.0 onward, the framework name has been changed to FilesProvider, which has an extra s to File. You must change all import statements accordingly.

  • Important: You must clear derived data before run, by holding option key and click Product -> Clean Build Folders...

  • Update project name in podfile if you're using Cocoapods

I'm getting this error when trying to install the pod with the new name "[!] Unable to find a specification for FilesProvider" but the old name still works?

@HotSauce123 you should remove FileProvider from your pods and install the new library pod install FilesProvider

Sorry but I have same problem : "[!] Unable to find a specification for FilesProvider"
No link seems to work.
Could you please provide a working example?