
Design product search bar

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User story

  1. As a salesperson
  2. I want to be able to search for products
  3. So that I can quickly find my desired product

Acceptance criteria

  • Find a proper place for the search bar
  • Search bar has two filters: category and country
  • Use Siemens design components
  • When I click on a filter I can select multiple options
  • By default there is a text on the search bar and as soon as I start writing it disappears
  • When I select a filter option it appears under the search bar and can be removed
  • Currently there is no need to connect the SimaPro products

Frame 43
Frame 44

Definition of done

  • Documentation for the feature is done
  • Feature branch has been merged
  • Code has been reviewed by at least one other team member
  • Unit tests are written