Use empty space after closing sidebar
Closed this issue · 0 comments
MichaelScheiderer commented
User story
- As a salesperson
- I want to be able to use the empty space on the screen after closing the sidebar
- So that I have a bigger screen to work on
Acceptance criteria
- After pressing the close-Button ("X") on the sidebar, the whole content of the website is moved to the left, so that the empty space can also be used
- The dark top bar is extended to the left, and also the text on it is moved to the left
- The button to open the sidebar is moved in the upper left corner, before of the text
- The color of the button is changed, so that its visible on the dark bar
Definition of done
- Documentation for the feature is done
- Feature branch has been merged
- Code has been reviewed by at least one other team member
- Unit tests are written