Implement the Wireframe in grafana as editable "home" view
Opened this issue · 3 comments
A-Sandrini commented
User story
- As a user
- I want / need to only see the most important information for my role when I open the Grafana dashboard
- So that I can quickly get an overview and view more detailed information only when needed/upon request
Acceptance criteria
- the selected Wireframe "home" view is available in Grafana
- the dashboard is editable, or configurable in case different roles are defined later (role definition is different ticket)
(a more detailed dashboard with additional panels, more KPI, per role)
Definition of done (DoD)
- "Home" view and more detailed dashboard views available per role
DoD general criteria
- Feature has been fully implemented
- Feature has been merged into the mainline
- All acceptance criteria were met
- Product owner approved features
- All tests are passing
- Developers agreed to release
A-Sandrini commented
not finished in sprint 6
A-Sandrini commented
re-estimation = 8
A-Sandrini commented
remark: not everything that was in the wireframe could be implemented in exactly the same way