Channels for visualization
Closed this issue · 0 comments
dev3225 commented
User story
- As a user
- I need empty zero signals to be replaced with signals that have certain amplitude and frequency.
- So that it is better to visualize and understand the line thickness issue/bug.
Acceptance criteria
- Signals without noise are included.
- One channel sends random data within -1:1
Definition of done (DoD)
Feature/Bug/Change has been implemented
Application compiles successfully
Code is documented
Feature/Bug/Change is tested by at least one unit or e2e test
Tests have been passed without warnings (except "deprecated" warnings)
Changes have been reviewed
PR has been merged to dev branch
New dependencies have been added to bill of materials
Software architecture diagram has been updated
All acceptance criteria are fulfilled
Screenshot is attached to issue
DoD general criteria
- Feature has been fully implemented
- Feature has been merged into the mainline
- All acceptance criteria were met
- Product owner approved features
- All tests are passing
- Developers agreed to release