setup Slackbot in the Google cloud
tkonheiser opened this issue · 0 comments
tkonheiser commented
User story
- As a user
- I want a cloud hosting of the Slackbot
- So that every component runs in the cloud and no local code execution is needed.
Acceptance criteria
- setup the Slackbot hosting in the Google cloud
- document the setup process
Definition of done (DoD)
- Acceptance criteria are met.
- Work products are uploaded to the Github repository.
- A pull request is created for each related branch.
- The work products in the pull requests are reviewed.
- The corresponding branches are merged and closed.
- The bill of materials section of the planning documents is updated.
- All defined conventions are complied with.
DoD general criteria
- Feature has been fully implemented
- Feature has been merged into the mainline
- All acceptance criteria were met
- Product owner approved features
- All tests are passing
- Developers agreed to release