
Enable to have a Complete Folder as Scope

Closed this issue · 0 comments

User story

  1. As a develoepr using our plugin
  2. I want / need to also select a complete folder/package for a run
  3. So that it can also run the Mutation Tests on them

Acceptance criteria

  • Rightclicking on a package/folder opens a contextmenu option, allowing to run a mutationtest there
  • Runs are executed for all classes in folder/package that are usable for a mutation test Pitest run

Definition of done (DoD)

  • All acceptance criteria are met.
  • Work products are uploaded to the GitHub repository.
  • A pull request is created for each related branch.
  • The work products in the pull requests are reviewed.
  • GitHub CI Workflow passes for the branches
  • The corresponding branches are merged and closed.
  • The bill of materials section of the planning documents is updated.
  • Tests are written for the added features, if suitable

DoD general criteria

  • Feature has been fully implemented
  • Feature has been merged into the mainline
  • All acceptance criteria were met
  • Product owner approved features
  • All tests are passing
  • Developers agreed to release