
Clearing of Old Client Devices after Inactive Timeout Period

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Good evening all,

Appreciate the effort that has gone into this integration and it works well.

My Feature Request would be some way of removing old client devices / entities from HA after a certain or customisable timeout period of not being recorded as not_home. My entity list has filled up with some unknown devices that have connected to my network in the past (friend's mobile phones etc) and I have been unable to find a way to remove them. I am also running the HACS Technicolor integration and that gets tracking information from my modem. I don't know the timeout period but after a couple to a few days, it stops providing the entity to HA and then it is easily identifiable and easily removed when I go through for a tidy up.

I am running 3x Deco X55 units and have had no issues with the integration so this model could possibly be added to the Tested Devices List if you like.


I second this request. It is kind of cluttering at the moment, with software updates of devices leading to new devices.

IIRC, the stale entries come from the decos themselves as they cache them for use in allocating static addresses. Historically, you’d have to delete them one by one on the deco itself, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that the new app allows you to flush them out.

From the main screen of the deco app, click the “Online clients” bar and it’ll list the currently connected devices. Scroll to the bottom of that and click the “Offline clients” bar. In the top right-hand corner, there’s a crude trash can icon. Click that to purge the list.

The integration picks up the changes fairly quickly :-)