
Changelog + Migration guide

mmakarin opened this issue · 7 comments

Please update changelog with every release. Also there is no migration guide for 2.x.

Open for pull requests.

For the record, I had to upgrade from 1.6.2. My custom template was:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html{% if(o.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.manifest) { %} manifest="{%= o.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.manifest %}"{% } %}>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>{%=o.htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title || 'Webpack App'%}</title>
    {% if (o.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.favicon) { %}
    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="{%=o.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.favicon%}">
    {% } %}
    {% for (var css in o.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.css) { %}
    <link href="{%=o.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.css[css] %}" rel="stylesheet">
    {% } %}
{% for (var chunk in o.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.chunks) { %}
<script src="{%=o.htmlWebpackPlugin.files.chunks[chunk].entry %}"></script>
{% } %}

To upgrade I had to:

  • Modify the custom html template I had, replacing {% and %} for <% and %>
  • Also replace in the html template all instances of o.htmlWebpackPlugin for htmlWebpackPlugin
  • Remove all loops to inject files, as the plugin is already injecting them even without specifying the inject param.

The template ended up like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<% if (htmlWebpackPlugin.files.favicon) { %>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="<%=htmlWebpackPlugin.files.favicon%>">
<% } %>
<title><%=htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title || 'Webpack App'%></title>

@Danita Thank you!

FYI you can now require directly in templates:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="<%- require('../images/favicons/apple-icon-60x60.png') %>">

I gonna close this for now - feel free to add something if you want to add something to the migration document.

lock commented

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