
a collection of individual JS utility modules

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


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Documentation is here: http://amp.ampersandjs.com

To discuss, jump into the Ampersand.js Project Chatroom.

Building, etc

Everything is heavily scripted to maintain consistency.

It all starts with the modules listed in modules.json. For each item listed in there's a corresponding folder in the modules directory.

It contains a standard set of files:

  • The implementation
  • the test
  • generated, standard readme
  • package.json
  • the documentation markdown file
  • the method signature file
  • the example file

Cross browser testing

For cross browser testing on each push, things are set up to run against SauceLabs's browser VMs using Travis CI.

Running all the tests:

  • npm test

Run all the tests on saucelabs

  • npm run test-ci

Adding a new package:

  • add its name (unprefixed) to modules.json
  • run npm run build
  • a new folder will be generated with all the basics and a failing test as a starting point

Convert everything to relative requires and back

  • npm run make-local

Make sure everything is clean and follows conventions

  • npm run validate
