

bputt opened this issue · 8 comments

bputt commented

I'm getting the following exception:

pg_send_query(): There are results on this connection. Call pg_get_result() until it returns FALSE

File: lib/PhSqlHandle.php
Line: 216

Please can you provide more info about what your code looks like that led to this?

This indicates that you are attempting to re-use a connection (issue a new query) while there is still an active result set from a previous query, so look for things like:

  • You accidentally used a Connection when you intended to use a Pool
  • You are still holding a reference to a previous result set somewhere, preventing it from being destroyed
bputt commented

Sure, here's the code:

$queries = [
        'key' => 'totalRows',
        'statement' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) as numRows FROM mytable WHERE x = ?',
        'where' => [
            'vals' => [ 'abc' ]
        'params' => []
$pool = Postgres\pool('DSN string');

Loop::run(function() use ($queries, $pool, &$returnData) {
    $promises = [];

    foreach ($queries as $query) {
        $promises[$query['key']] = \Amp\call(function() use ($pool, $query) {
            $statement = yield $pool->prepare($query['statement'], $query['params']);
            $result = yield $statement->execute($query['where']['vals']);

            while (yield $result->advance()) {
                $item = $result->getCurrent();
                $results[] = $item;

            return $results ?? [];

    $returnData = yield $promises;

just to confirm, you are running this code with only a single query in the $queries array?

bputt commented

No, there's always multiple.

In case this is a non-issue, it happens when I run a query that doesn't succeed: crate/crate#7373

@bputt So this happens only after a failed query?

Also, can you please define "failed" more specifically? Does query result in an error or just produce no results? If error, what?

It's conceivable (although unlikely) this could be a bug in ext/pg, can you repro this when using pecl/pq as the back end?

bputt commented

I'm working on duplicating the issue, we've only seen it happen when an error occurs upstream. Should be able to provide more details early next week.