
An empty line caused by inet_pton()

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I am using amphp\artax as it is using amphp\uri. An empty line is printed when I send every request.
After a deep investing, produce an empty line. Any ideas?

Do you use a custom error handler that doesn't correctly respect suppressed errors?

Yes, I have figured it out. This is the custom error handler I am using.

/* Error Handler */
	function exception_error_handler($severity, $string, $file, $line, $context) 
		// Determine if this error is one of the enabled ones in php config (php.ini, .htaccess, etc)
		$error_is_enabled = (bool)($severity & ini_get('error_reporting') );
		// throw an Error Exception, to be handled by whatever Exception handling logic is available in this context
		if( in_array($severity, array(E_USER_ERROR, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR)) && $error_is_enabled ) {
			throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);
		// Log the error if it's enabled, otherwise just ignore it
		else if( $error_is_enabled ) {
			error_log( $message, 0 );
			return false; // Make sure this ends up in $php_errormsg, if appropriate

I'm not sure how that particular code just produces a newline, but for a side-note, you can just use error_reporting() instead of ini_get('error_reporting').

It's not an issue in our code, but rather your error handler.

instead of fixing the error handler, do you think possibly adding some codes to check the $this->host if it is valid for inet_pton instead of try and error?

because this error handler is got from and I believe many developers are using it. We should avoid using @ for best practice.

Checking for the right format would be quite some overhead and it also works that way. There are quite a few APIs in PHP where the @ operator is just the best choice one has, another example where it's used is fwrite(). Given that, you need to fix your error handler anyway. Did you find out where the newline comes from?

I didn't try and just disabled the error handler which I want PHP to throw ErrorException instead of just showing error message. By guessing, maybe error_log printing the empty $message which is hidden by @ operator.

Did you try replacing the ini_get() with error_reporting()?