An empty line caused by inet_pton()
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I am using amphp\artax as it is using amphp\uri. An empty line is printed when I send every request.
After a deep investing, produce an empty line. Any ideas?
Do you use a custom error handler that doesn't correctly respect suppressed errors?
Yes, I have figured it out. This is the custom error handler I am using.
/* Error Handler */
function exception_error_handler($severity, $string, $file, $line, $context)
// Determine if this error is one of the enabled ones in php config (php.ini, .htaccess, etc)
$error_is_enabled = (bool)($severity & ini_get('error_reporting') );
// throw an Error Exception, to be handled by whatever Exception handling logic is available in this context
if( in_array($severity, array(E_USER_ERROR, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR)) && $error_is_enabled ) {
throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);
// Log the error if it's enabled, otherwise just ignore it
else if( $error_is_enabled ) {
error_log( $message, 0 );
return false; // Make sure this ends up in $php_errormsg, if appropriate
I'm not sure how that particular code just produces a newline, but for a side-note, you can just use error_reporting()
instead of ini_get('error_reporting')
It's not an issue in our code, but rather your error handler.
instead of fixing the error handler, do you think possibly adding some codes to check the $this->host
if it is valid for inet_pton
instead of try and error?
because this error handler is got from and I believe many developers are using it. We should avoid using @
for best practice.
Checking for the right format would be quite some overhead and it also works that way. There are quite a few APIs in PHP where the @
operator is just the best choice one has, another example where it's used is fwrite()
. Given that, you need to fix your error handler anyway. Did you find out where the newline comes from?
I didn't try and just disabled the error handler which I want PHP to throw ErrorException
instead of just showing error message. By guessing, maybe error_log
printing the empty $message
which is hidden by @
Did you try replacing the ini_get()
with error_reporting()