
Deprecated API usage in iOS

pal opened this issue · 1 comments

pal commented

Expected Behavior

Build should complete without any errors from Amplitude.

Current Behavior

[01:00:37]: ▸ Generating 'Amplitude.framework.dSYM'
[01:00:37]: ▸ Touching Amplitude.framework (in target 'Amplitude' from project 'Pods')
[01:00:37]: ▸ Processing amplitude_flutter-Info.plist
[01:00:37]: ▸ Copying amplitude_flutter-umbrella.h
[01:00:37]: ▸ Copying AmplitudeFlutterPlugin.h
[01:00:37]: ▸ Compiling SwiftAmplitudeFlutterPlugin.swift
[01:00:38]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/pal/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'logRevenue(_:quantity:price:)' is deprecated: Use `logRevenueV2` and `AMPRevenue` instead
[01:00:38]: ▸                     Amplitude.instance(withName: instanceName).logRevenue(productIdentifier,
[01:00:38]: ▸                                                                ^
[01:00:38]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/pal/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'logRevenue' is deprecated: Use `logRevenueV2` and `AMPRevenue` instead
[01:00:38]: ▸                     Amplitude.instance(withName: instanceName).logRevenue(NSNumber(value: amount))
[01:00:38]: ▸                                                                ^
[01:00:38]: ▸ Compiling SwiftAmplitudeFlutterPlugin.swift
[01:00:38]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/pal/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'logRevenue(_:quantity:price:)' is deprecated: Use `logRevenueV2` and `AMPRevenue` instead
[01:00:38]: ▸                     Amplitude.instance(withName: instanceName).logRevenue(productIdentifier,
[01:00:38]: ▸                                                                ^
[01:00:38]: ▸ ⚠️  /Users/pal/.pub-cache/hosted/ 'logRevenue' is deprecated: Use `logRevenueV2` and `AMPRevenue` instead
[01:00:38]: ▸                     Amplitude.instance(withName: instanceName).logRevenue(NSNumber(value: amount))
[01:00:38]: ▸                                                                ^

Possible Solution

Stop using deprecated API and use the recommended APIs intead.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Depend on amplitude_flutter: ^3.7.0
  2. Build and watch logs, I saw this while using fastlane: bundle exec fastlane beta


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@pal Thanks for pointing this out. We will replace the deprecated method in Flutter.