
Dependency on the vulnerable org.json:json:20220320

Closed this issue · 8 comments


Expected Behavior

No dependencies with vulnerabilities

Current Behavior

2 High vulnerabilities

Possible Solution

Update org.json:json to the recent version

Hello Team, can you please provide your thoughts about the issue? Is it safe to run the client in production? Do you have plans to update the dependency?

Also, I noticed that you already have a PR that addresses one of the vulnerabilities, but you didn't merge it, provide any response or fix the issue yourself. Why?

@alok1111 thanks for creating this ticket. I am taking a look at this and will update soon.

@izaaz is there any news?

@alok1111 the patch was just released in version 1.12.1

Correction. The package has been deployed to a staging env. I'll update this issue once it's generally available.

@izaaz thank you for the update.
1.21.1 fixes only one vulnerability - CVE-2022-45688. Would please fix also CVE-2023-5072? To do that you need to upgrade org.json:json at least to 20231013.
Also noticed that the org.json:json versions are out of sync between demo, main and test. So probably the project tests run on a wrong version.

Thanks @alok1111. All packages are updated and use the version 20231013. The latest version 1.12.2 is now available.