isPending Bug on useRequest
alt95 opened this issue · 4 comments
The isPending property on a useRequest is determined by a boolean.
[{ isPending }] = useRequest(config)
On the first render of a component isPending is false, followed by true till it loads and then false when it is resolved.
The issue is that if you are blocking a render with isPending, the initial value causes a "flash" of the page to be seen.
Possible Solutions:
A loading state should be determined by 3 possible states, not 2 (a.k.a. a boolean)
Initial, Loading, Resolved
This way you can show data on "resolved" and a load spinner or whatever on "loading"
The isPending starts with true if the request is being made onMount
Could you post example code with codesandbox that shows this issue?
Could you post example code with codesandbox that shows this issue?
Hit MAKE REQUEST - I made it red to be noticeable, you will see that it flashes very briefly before going into Loading... followed by displaying the red screen again (when you would actually want it)
In the Query State, we also have an isFinished variable. This is a better loading state controller to use for requests that are made on mount than requests made on user action. isPending is better for those.
isFinished is good since it starts as false and only changes to true once the request is complete. isPending starts as false, then changes to true once the request has been made, and then changes back to false once it is done.
isFinished is great for queries run right on mount that are only run on mount. isPending is good for queries that are run multiple times or on user action. changed your example to use isFinished. docs on query state.
In the Query State, we also have an isFinished variable. This is a better loading state controller to use for requests that are made on mount than requests made on user action. isPending is better for those.
isFinished is good since it starts as false and only changes to true once the request is complete. isPending starts as false, then changes to true once the request has been made, and then changes back to false once it is done.
isFinished is great for queries run right on mount that are only run on mount. isPending is good for queries that are run multiple times or on user action. changed your example to use isFinished. docs on query state.
Ok - that helps, thanks!