
aMule 2.3.3 Debian Bullseye stops uploading after 1 day

ngosang opened this issue · 0 comments

I have been using aMule 2.3.3 (Debian Bullseye package) for several months and I notice the network traffic stops after 1 day approximately. I know this issue does not contain enough information to fix the problem but maybe it keeps all related issues in the same place.

I'm running aMule 24/7 in my server and I notice the network traffic stops after 1 day approximately. aMule is connected to 1 ed2k server and Kad network, just sharing files, not downloading anything. I only use amuled and amuleweb processes. There aren't traces or errors when that happens, just silence until I restart aMule. In the Web UI I can see it is still connected to both networks.

To fix this issue I configured a cron task that restarts aMule every 2 days, if I don't, aMule stops sharing my files.