
Compiler eating memory infinitely

Closed this issue · 3 comments

s5bug commented

I've tried to minimize this and I just can't seem to get the same behavior when I do.

The project is at I suspect that the equipment record in oot/ is the problem.

If equipment: u16 is replaced with equipment: equipment here (permalink), the compiler gets stuck and eats up all my memory.

s5bug commented

As of commit 4852cffa0a, the compiler freezes, but applying this diff makes the compiler work properly.

diff --git a/oot/ b/oot/
index d077ea2..b39ee47 100644
--- a/oot/
+++ b/oot/
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ open import "../mem/"
 type item =
 | DekuSticks
 | NoItem
-| UnknownItem of int

 instance decode item begin
   let decode addr =
@@ -15,12 +14,10 @@ instance decode item begin
     match code with
     | 0 -> DekuSticks
     | 255 -> NoItem
-    | x -> UnknownItem x

 instance show item begin
   let show = function
   | DekuSticks -> "Deku Sticks"
   | NoItem -> "No Item"
-  | UnknownItem x -> "Unknown Item " ^ (show x)

What is going on?

s5bug commented

I've been told to note that the following diff:

diff --git a/oot/ b/oot/
index a4374e3..cceb4e2 100644
--- a/oot/
+++ b/oot/
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ open import "../"
 open import "../mem/"
 open import "../mem/"
 open import "./"
+open import "./"
-type item_equips = ItemEquips of {
+type item_equips_ 'a = ItemEquips of {
   button_item_b: item,
   button_item_c_left: item,
   button_item_c_down: item,
@@ -12,10 +13,11 @@ type item_equips = ItemEquips of {
   button_slot_c_left: u8,
   button_slot_c_down: u8,
   button_slot_c_right: u8,
-  equipment: u16
+  equipment: 'a
+type item_equips <- item_equips_ equipment
-instance decode item_equips begin
+instance decode 'a => decode (item_equips_ 'a) begin
   let decode addr = ItemEquips {
     button_item_b = decode (addr + 0x00),
     button_item_c_left = decode (addr + 0x01),
@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@ instance decode item_equips begin
-instance prettyrecord item_equips begin
+instance pretty 'a => prettyrecord (item_equips_ 'a) begin
   let name _ = "ItemEquips"
   let fields (ItemEquips x) =
@@ -39,10 +41,10 @@ instance prettyrecord item_equips begin
       ("button_slot_c_left", S x.button_slot_c_left),
       ("button_slot_c_down", S x.button_slot_c_down),
       ("button_slot_c_right", S x.button_slot_c_right),
-      ("equipment", S
+      ("equipment", P
-instance pretty item_equips begin
+instance pretty 'a => pretty (item_equips_ 'a) begin
   let pretty = pretty_from_record

still makes the compiler freeze, even when patching in the above diff.

It's the pattern matcher, because of course it is.

When Lower your guards came out (says August 2020, but this was much earlier) @plt-hokusai and I discussed switching to it. Then lockdown happened and I graduated, and um ... it never materialised.

Guess now is as good a time as any!