
Script that helps monitor the status of your wifi network and devices, alerting the user to any faults, changes or potentially dangerous devices.

Primary LanguagePython

Local Network Manager

This script helps you keep track of your home network. With this script you can :

  • Keep track of connected devices and create white lists.
  • Make constant checks of the public IP and changes
  • Make constant check of upload and download speed
  • Periodically monitor that the most important devices within the network are active
  • Send email alarms in case something fail or any suspicious activity

You should install scapy, requests, ping3, speedtest-cli

Keys 🔑

Plese add you own keys and paths in config.py file

  • EMAIL_FROM -> Mail that sends the notifications
  • EMAIL_TO -> Mail where notifications are received
  • EMAIL_PASS -> This is not your email account password, is a "key" obtained in your email settings to allow you send messages from external API
  • PUBLICIP_PATH -> Complete path that you save the current public IP
  • SPEE_PATH -> Complete path that you save the uplink and downlink speed
  • whitelist -> This is the whitelist. You must include all known devices. Devices that are not in the list are automatically unknownd devices (suspicius)
  • important_ips -> List with all relevants IPs. These IPs are important for you and should be monitorized

Email 📧

Allows you to send an email with a notification once bot make an operation. This is a second way to save a history

Crontab ⏱️

You MUST include the following line in you crontab file to run the script every day at 4:00 AM (You can schedule as you wish)

Note: In case you have devices (like Iphones with private Wi-Fi address) I will recommend you to disable that feature for your WiFi network to avoid false-positives alerts. At the end of the day, that is a known network, so it is not necessary to hide your real MAC address

0 4 * * * project path

"Buy Me A Coffee"