znc pushover sometimes he will send the message and sometimes not:
ramezeem opened this issue · 1 comments
[23:57] <push> Evaluating message: help ik wordt gek
[23:57] <push> highlight/true and nick_blacklist/true
[23:57] <push> service: pushover
[23:57] <push> service_host: api.pushover.net
[23:57] <push> service_url: /1/messages.json
[23:57] <push> service_auth:
[23:57] <push> use_port: 443
[23:57] <push> use_ssl: 1
[23:57] <push> use_post: 1
[23:57] <push> NOT using libcurl
[23:57] <push> Building notification to api.pushover.net/1/messages.json...
[23:57] <push> User-Agent: ZNC Push/dev
[23:57] <push> Query string: device=RemonTel&message=%23remontestroom%3A+%5Bremonvrijs%5D+help+ik+wordt+gek&priority=0&title=Highlight&token=&user=*************
[23:57] <*push> Request sending
The Token and the User id is correct because the will sometimes send the message en sometimes he will hang bij Request sending. Can anyone help me?