eschol5 sample app

This little app demonstrates the following technology and features:

  • React front-end framework including use of JSX for mixing HTML in Javascript
  • Javascript ES2015 for advanced Javascript features (especially 'class')
  • A few React components to create a simple UI
  • Sinatra lightweight server framework for Ruby
  • Automatic cache busting
  • Sequel object-relational mapper for Ruby
  • CSS using SASS
  • Fast automatic rebuilds using Gulp
  • LiveReload support so changes during development are reflected instantly in the browser

Description of files

  • Gemfile: Lists of Ruby gems the app uses. Used by 'bundler' to download and install them locally.
  • Gemfile.lock: Copy of Gemfile created and managed by 'bundler'. Don't modify directly.
  • This file.
  • bin/: Gets populated by 'bundler' with driver scripts for gems it installs. Don't modify directly.
  • bower.json: List of Javascript packages used in the front-end. Used by 'node' to download and install them locally.
  • bower_components: Gets populated by 'node' with the Javascript packages for the front-end. Don't modify directly.
  • config: A place to keep database connection parameters. Will probably be replaced by an environment variable setup.
  • convert.rb: Script to populate the new eschol5 database with units, item, etc. from the old eScholarship.
  • escholApp.rb: Main app driver with code to generate the page outline, supply database data, cache bust, etc.
  • escholIso.js: A little node app that runs React on the server-side to generate the initial page contents.
  • gems: Gets populated by 'bundler' with driver scripts for gems it installs. Don't modify directly.
  • gulp: Symbolic link to node_modules/.bin/gulp, so you can just run "./gulp" from the top-level directory.
  • gulpfile.js: Controls the build process for CSS and Javascript, and runs the app on the server.
  • migrations: Database schema in Ruby form. We can add new files here to morph the schema over time, and people can automatically upgrade their db.
  • node_modules: Gets populated by 'node' with server-side Javascript packages. Don't modify directly.
  • package.json: List of Javascript packages needed on the server. Includes mainly Gulp and React, and their dependencies.
  • public: During the build, compiled CSS and Javascript files end up here, and then escholApp.rb serves them from here.
  • Sequence of commands to run bundler and node to download and install all the Ruby and Javascript modules the app needs.
  • styles: Where we go to set and add CSS styles. Uses SCSS so macros, variables, etc. are available. These get compiled (through Gulp) into public/css/.
  • templates: Where we go to add and change React code for the UI. These get compiled (through Gulp) into public/js/.

Steps to get the app running

  1. Install gems and packages: ./ (Note: for neatness they get installed to the local directory, not system-wide)

  2. Start proxy connection to database through bastion: ssh -C -N -p 18822

  3. Configure database connection parameters: cp config/database.yaml.TEMPLATE config/database.yaml, then fill in the values in database.yaml:

  • host:
  • port: 3306
  • database: eschol_test
  • username: SECRET
  • password: SECRET
  1. Run ./gulp. Be on the lookout for errors.

  2. Browse to http://localhost:4001/unit/root