
blacklisted word features

Opened this issue · 1 comments

@amyxzhang's idea - it would be neat to keep track of how effective particular terms are at catching harassment, and show this in the interface. for example, "90% of messages containing x were rejected", or "10% of messages containing y were rejected". So that would show them x is a good term to have on their list but that y leads to a lot of false positives and might not be so good.

Some other sites with similar wordlist features require you to manually add variations of words. It would be nice to give you several related suggestions when you add a new word/phrase to your list - its plural, common misspellings, alternate spellings, etc.

There are some privacy issues we'd need to address, but I think letting people share their lists, and suggesting commonly added words (that are not revealing of private info) to users, could be helpful.

We should have a way to batch add/import, so people with extensive lists they've built up on other platforms (Youtube, Twitter) can quickly transfer them over.

labeling as blocked because this depends on completing #9 first.